
Identity Resolution: Empowering Publishers for Profitable Growth & Seamless Experiences

June 6, 2023 3 min read


Identity Resolution: Empowering Publishers for Profitable Growth & Seamless Experiences

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Publishers face challenges in identifying their audiences and monetizing their content effectively. They also face challenges in adapting to changing privacy regulations in the ever-expanding digital landscape. To overcome these challenges, Identity Resolution emerges as a vital solution. Identity Resolution compares and combines various data elements to create a consistent and accurate depiction of a person or an organization. It allows publishers to recognize and unify user interactions across channels and devices. 

This article explores the significance of Identity Resolution for publishers and its role in a post-third-party-cookie world. Also, how it can optimize yield and enhance user experiences.

Understanding Identity Resolution

Identity resolution involves recognizing a user across various channels and devices to establish a unified profile while adhering to privacy regulations.

Identity resolution occurs in real-time during website or app visits, enabling targeting and personalization. 

It also extends to offline environments, unifying touchpoints and interactions for attribution.

The Importance of Identity Resolution for Publishers

1. Overcoming fragmentation challenges

The fragmented nature of the digital landscape makes it difficult to identify and understand audiences, interact, and monetize opportunities.

2. Addressing user expectations

Customers expect consistent interactions across departments and personalized offers. This makes identity resolution crucial for meeting their demands.

3. The limitation of first-party data

Only 20% of audiences log into their accounts, hindering first-party data collection necessary for personalized interactions, targeting, and monetization.

4. Leveraging unique identifiers

Identity resolution lets publishers gather and link audience interactions both offline and online. And, it creates single customer views with demographic and interest-based data.

Identity Resolution in a Post-third-party-cookie World

1. The revenue impact of third-party cookie deprecation

Google’s experiment with top global publishers showed a 52% average revenue decrease when third-party cookies were disabled.

2. Enhancing first-party data

Identity resolution offers a promising alternative to addressability issues. It helps publishers deliver higher engagement rates for advertisers and drive higher CPMs.

3. Leveraging identity graphs

Identity graphs store identifiers tied to individuals across online and offline channels. This provides publishers with a unified and up-to-date view of their audiences.

Identity Resolution for Yield Optimization

1. Creating a unified customer view

Identity resolution enables publishers to offer advertisers extensive targeting options based on robust first-party audience data, improving yield.

2. Monetization strategies

Publishers can leverage identity resolution to scale audience packages across multiple sites, targeting visitors with specific interests or behaviors.

3. Driving competitive bids

Publishers can maximize revenue by translating their first-party IDs into other IDs used by buyers. This allows for more competitive bids.

Identity Resolution for Marketing and Improved CX

1. Promoting paid subscriptions

Publishers can use identity resolution to target non-subscribers with popups. With this, they can encourage them to subscribe for unlimited content, driving revenue.

2. Enhancing customer experiences

Identity resolution helps publishers differentiate between logged-in subscribers and non-subscribers, tailoring messaging and benefits accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Identity resolution holds immense potential for publishers in maximizing revenue, optimizing yield, and delivering personalized user experiences

Publishers can unlock the power of first-party data, adapt to a post-third-party-cookie world, and strengthen their relationships with advertisers and audiences by unifying user interactions. 

Moreover, embracing identity resolution is not only a response to changing privacy regulations but also an opportunity for publishers to thrive in the digital ecosystem.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to thrive in the digital ecosystem. Contact us here to discover how Identity Resolution can transform your publishing strategy.

Himanshi Talwar is a Marketing Intern at VDO.AI. She is on the path of learning and experimenting with Marketing Strategies and growing along the way.