
Maximizing the Impact of the Smart TV Home Screen for Advertisers

December 15, 2023 3 min read


Maximizing the Impact of the Smart TV Home Screen for Advertisers

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The connected TV advertising landscape provides a huge opportunity for brands looking to reach cord-cutting consumers in an engaging environment. 

With video ads on smart TV home screens, advertisers can achieve a linear TV-like scale with more targeted, high-impact campaigns compared to traditional TV. 

But how can you make sure your ads stand out and drive results on the smart TV screen? Here we’ll explore best practices for maximizing the impact of your connected TV advertising on the smart TV home screen.

Getting Notice with Video Creative

Video ads by nature grab more attention than static images on a TV screen. Lean into video ad formats across smart TVs to capture viewer focus as they scroll through home screen content. You’ll boost time spent viewing compared to display ads. Tailor your video storyline and editing pace specifically for the lean-back CTV-watching experience compared to faster-paced social video ads. 

Personalize for the Viewing Environment 

One major advantage of connected TV advertising is the ability to personalize video ads based on data like weather, time of day, location, and behavioral patterns. 

Use CTV ad tech to tap into key data signals and serve contextually relevant video creative. For example, promote warm comfort foods on cold snowy days or fitness gear on sunny weekends. This real-time personalization at scale ensures your ads resonate.

Innovate with Interactive Elements

Modern CTV advertising enables interactive ad experiences through innovations like overlays, branded canvases, and QR code wrappers. Go beyond the passive viewing experience of traditional TV and engage viewers with poll questions, mini-games, shoppable buttons, and more. The more you foster participation, the more likely your brands will stick in consumers’ minds.

Drive Action through Smart TV Retargeting

Harness first and third-party data for advanced retargeting capabilities on CTV. If a consumer viewed but didn’t purchase your product online recently, remind them why they wanted it with a compelling video ad on their smart TV. Sync up your TV ad strategy with retargeting across other devices and channels. A unified approach delivers optimal frequency to motivate action.

Measure Broad and Precise KPIs 

A major benefit of CTV advertising is having metrics beyond cookie-based tracking. Report on broad reach and frequency KPIs demonstrating awareness lift among the connected TV audience. Then hone in on precise engagement metrics like video completion rates. Connect the dots across sales impact online and offline to showcase ROI, not just impressions. Mastering measurement demonstrates the true impact of smart TV advertising.  

Now that we’ve covered tactics for optimizing smart TV ad impact, what about executing all this? Enter VDO.AI.

VDO.AI Delivers Innovative Smart TV Video Ads

VDO.AI offers exclusive access and creative expertise to help brands maximize results from connected TV video ad campaigns across every smart TV streaming service. 

Unlock True Creative Potential for Engagement

VDO.AI transforms regular video ads into interactive canvases with overlays, QR code wrappers, dynamic calls to action, and more. Ad experiences become instantly shoppable thanks to integrated e-commerce capabilities and tailored drive-to-site options based on location, weather, and audience data. The augmented interactions feel familiar yet fresh to viewers, driving unprecedented engagement.  

Foster Viewer Interactivity at Scale

Interactivity does not stop with shopping features. Our platform also equips video ads with real-time polling to foster two-way conversations between audiences and brands. Sync your TV strategy with live social activations as viewers vote on priorities, preferences, and more. This makes adding these interactive elements possible at a local, regional, or national level

Ad Innovation Across All Platforms and Genres

Bringing our portfolio of ad innovations beyond CTV streaming into gaming, sports, and live events, our platform offers the opportunity to choose your own instant replay camera angle during a big game. Unlock exclusive gaming skins by engaging with branded video ads. The possibilities span across digital entertainment mediums as our platform pushes the envelope further

Seamless Campaign Measurement and Optimization 

With VDO.AI powering your CTV video ad activations, tap into comprehensive measurement and reporting on business outcomes. Connect engagement metrics on video completion rates and interactive elements to offline and online sales impact data. VDOAI’s consolidated analytics empower nimble optimizations to improve campaign performance mid-flight.

The connected TV advertising landscape brings new chances to captivate audiences. But sustained success requires maximizing ad relevance, innovation, and results powered by robust platforms like VDO.AI. 

Now is the time for brands to reimagine TV advertising or risk getting left behind. Contact VDO.AI today to unlock the full potential of CTV ads across every streaming service.

Karishma Rai is an Ad Tech enthusiast at VDO.AI, who thrives on the convergence of creativity and technology.